
20 tricks people with high social intelligence use to be on top of their game.

20 tricks People with High Social intelligence use to be on top of their Game.

Social intelligence is essential in today’s high pressure, fast changing world. It is beneficial for good personal and professional relationship, workplace success, mental health and well being, societal impact, technology driven interactions, and global and cultural diversity. Social intelligence is the key to building strong, meaningful, relationships in a world where human connection is very essential.

According to psychologists, socially intelligent people are able to maximize social intelligence by embracing the following habits.

  • To solve an issue quickly, they go soft on the person and hard on the problem.
  • They pretend everyone was sent to teach them something.
  • They Pause in speaking + make eye contact to boost confidence.
  • They Make people feel important with the SHR method: Seen, Heard, Remembered
  • They know that person’s favorite sound is their name, so they remember to call it during conversation.
  • They praise publicly and criticize publicly. To give feedback, they first make the other person feel they care about them.
  • They understand that unspoken expectations are premeditated resentment.
  • They know that the best networking strategy is helping others first strategy.
  • They understand that loneliness is a silent pandemic; they assume people want to meet them.
  • They practice going first for the meet somebody.
  • They build habit of responding with “yes, and” because they know it advances their idea.
  • They avoid complaining or gossiping because they know that nobody likes hearing it.
  • They use Story telling because it is a superpower using structure like set up, tension, and resolution
  • They understand that every dog has its day because dogs are friendly.
  • They know that the quality of their relationship determines the quality of their life.
  • To discover their blind spots, they build an inner circle that will give them honest feedback.
  • They normalize “I don’t know anything about that yet” as a successful answer.
  • They record and study their speaking like an athlete watching game film
  • They know that great leaders create more leaders not followers.
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