
BSU: Two first-class graduates appointed graduate assistants

Two of the forty-four graduates who bagged first class at yesterday’s (Saturday) 22nd, 23rd, and 24th combined convocation of the Benue State University, BSU have been given appointments as graduate assistants.

They are: Gbande Mpase of the Department of Economies, Faculty of Social Sciences, who graduated with a BSc in Economics degree, accumulating a CGPA of 4.54 (year of entry 2017/2018, year of graduation 2022/2023); Favour Salome Ijoko, Department of Accounting, Faculty of Management Sciences, Bsc Accounting, CGPA 4.52 (year of entry 2018/2019, year of graduation 2023/2024).

The Vice Chancellor of Benue State University, Professor Tor Joe Iorapuu, announced this today during the Thanksgiving service to mark the end of the scheduled events for the combined convocation.

He stressed the importance of mentoring the students well to enable them achieve their potentials and advised lecturers against acts capable of limiting the potentials of their students and making them end up with grades below their potentials.

The benefitting graduates who worshipped at the chapel during their academic sojourn at the university had earlier given their testimonies during the service before the vice chancellor’s announcement.

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